11 Kommentare

  1. I would love to be the next Challanger! Do you want to know why? Because i’ve only heard good things about Van Rawe! Van Rawe? If you read this..i want you to know that i would love to compete against you!

    See you…

  2. Hey Former-Guy,

    first of em all, who d’ya think you are. Especially your style of writing in such a horrible english way. Sorry for mine, but I last so much years in America now, that all the high-class English is gone. Cause of that, you should make 3 steps back, think about yourself crossin‘ my way and stay quiet. If not, we could start the game, ending in the fact, that I’ll catch ya head and stick it right up your poofy a$$.
    Crossing my way?! Right, cause van Rawe should get on last lesson in behaviour … in a nearly 😉 fair In-Ring-Competition … Champion vs. Champion … as the crowd deserves to get it at en-gee-doubs (NGW) birthday show.

    Introduce a little anarchy and everything becomes chaos, and I know the thing about chaos? It’s fair. Chilli Bo…

  3. Yeah….my english is horrible! But do you know what? My last Match was 2 year ago and I would love to show everybody that i still have what it takes! One last thing…

    Wrestling is my life and i miss NGW!!!

    • Kannst du bitte zukünftig in Deutsch schreiben? Die Seite ist immerhin mit einer de-Endung versehen! 😉

      „The Gambler“ Joe Monroe darf englisch schreiben, das verstehen wir wenigstens. 😉

      Liebe Grüße,
      das NGW Team.

  4. There are so many … many people, talking about missing something and comin‘ back to show to all of us, that they are still tough enough. But the Ring is the wrong place for that. You know why?
    The ring is a place of respect, it is THE squared circle, the holy stage for all, that trained hard for many years to make their steps on after another right up to the top. You know why I made these steps and became a Main Event active wrestler. Cause I had this respect for the ring and for most of my opponents. I trained nearly daily to get more and more In-Ring-Skills.
    Before speakin‘ ‚bout a match, some guys should first of ‚em all start training and showing the other guys, that they have respect and do something to prove, not to babble a lot, without being someone or doin‘ something.

    Hort auf zu reden und nach Matches zu schreien, sondern zeigt ein paar Respect und beweist in viele Trainings, das ihr es gut konnt und eine Promoter sich verlassen kann darauf.

    (speaking German is much easier than writing it)

    That’s my bottom line on this, cause there are more insignificant things to do now. Chilli Bo …

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