Ergebnisse – WSF Pandemonium 2013

WSF Combat Championship

Tag Team Match

Razorblade & Beach Boy bes. „Majestic“ Donovan & Sven van Rawe [7:32]

Singles Match

„Big Daddy“ Ricen bes. Martin Brecher via Powerbomb [5:58]

Singles Match

„The Gambler“ Joe Monroe bes. „The Pulp“ Johnny Cheech via Single-Leg Russian Legsweep [12:34]

WSF Tag Team Championship

Chairs Match

The Sea Devils bes. The Amazing Ones via Tower of Doom durch einen haufen Stühle – Titelwechsel!! [11:44]

WSF Combat Championship

Singles Match

„Majestic“ Donovan bes. Sven van Rawe [7:05]

WSF Championship

Singles Match

Mincer m/ Lara bes. Jacob A. Pryson [16:24]

Main Event

Singles Match

„Bad Bones“ John Klinger bes. Karsten Beck [17:25]


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