Kontrovers: Hat er nun eingecashed?

Ist Daniel tank nun neuer Champion? Die Fans sagen ja! Joe Monroe sagt nein! Was sagt NGW General Manager Razorblade dazu?

Am Ende des Main Events hat Daniel Tank seinen Koffer eingecashed… den NGW Undisputed Championship gewonnen… oder doch nicht? Razorblade konnte durch seine Verletzung keine Entscheidung treffen und auch Ricen als Gast-Ringrichter war zu dem Zeitpunkt kein offizieller Ringrichter. Eines ist sicher: Beide werden am 17. März 2012 gegeneinander um die NGW Undisputed Championship kämpfen…

2 Kommentare

  1. Hahahahaha,

    don’t know what to say ‚bout this great news. Yeah, Tank cashed in and won the En Gee Doub title belt, ‚cause he had to play according to my rules. This „great“ guy won the title ‚cause I want so. He came out after I had two great Matches with van Rawe, after I made the hell of a chaos out of the whole show. Yeah I was finished at this moment and this cheeky guy came out and wanted to force me for a match. He got it and he got beaten by Chairy² … chilli bo, chilli bo
    Why did I do that? Ha ha, I can sleep with the knowledge, I could win this on hand. But as a hunter I am even better than you all know me. And in the ring, I told Tank, who was laying down and thinking about the truck that roll over him, that there will be a fight, to realize, that I control the chaos, and that even I will win the Head’s Up … 1 on 1.
    That’s the reason why I offered this „stupid“ stipulation ‚bout losing the title even by DQ or Count Out. There’s a Champ that cannot beat be me in a „nearly“ fair fight, that is classes under my charisma. And I will prove it, if the NGW and Razorblade have the trust in me.
    I’ll give you a controlled time of chaos, that will hepl reaching the next level.
    By the way … merry x-mas … and Tank, dream about 2012 … chilli bo, chilli bo, chilli bo

  2. boaaaaaa gambit lerne deutsch man das ist ja der pure eckel mit deinem geschwafel…..
    aber ich muss ganz ehrlich sagen glückwunsch an tank und ein fröhliches haha an gambler xD
    und nun noch ein hohoho an alle für ein schönes weihnachten

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